The busy Dracula Open Tournament started with 48 bouts
The next edition of the Dracula Open Tournament opened with its first competition day in Braila, Romania where the competition period is February 16-23.
The city of Braila hosted the 2017 edition of the European U22 Boxing Championships and the top international level of boxing returned to the venue.
Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bulgaria, England, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Moldova, North Macedonia, Palestine, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan are competing at the Dracula Open Tournament in Braila.
The total number of boxers is 423 in the Dracula Open where three of the age groups from the 13 until the 18-years-old talents are in actions in Braila.
Altogether 153 youth boxers are in the Dracula Open this year including 43 women talents to secure the titles in the opening youth event of the year.
The 2009 and 2010 born boxers are eligible to participate in the junior age group which is the most popular in the Dracula Open with 188 talents on board.
The 2011 and the 2012 born youngsters are able to compete in the youngest age group of the competition and the Dracula Open has 24 schoolgirls and 58 schoolboys.
The local organizers shared the event into eight competition days due to the high number of participants in Braila.
The final phases of the annual Dracula Open Tournament will take place on February 21, 22 and 23 in Romania.
Besides to the Dracula Open Tournament, a Referee & Judge Course is also holding in the Romanian venue with experienced instructors.
The competition are holding in two rings at the Polivalenta Hall in the city of Braila which has the capacity of 3,000 seats.
The first competition day contained 48 bouts and the event could be followed in the YouTube channel of the Romanian Boxing Federation.